The Transpersonal Chakras
Once you have been acquainted with your seven chakras, you're ready to step into your mission, and open the 7 transpersonal chakras to guide you in meeting & embodying your Higher Self.
Time to settle in with my workshops.
The Transpersonal Chakras
I also work on demystifying the lesser known Transpersonal Chakras:
Indeed it's been my focus for a few years now.
Get on the program for your own energy body activations via my School.
Starting from the Zeal Chakra behind your head to access past and future lives, we then go between the Throat Chakra and the Heart towards the Thymus Chakra where our energy point revolves around our greater action in the world: our self assigned mission as a consciousness in this realm.
We then go all the way to our feet to greet Gaia underground, and connecting to the Earth Star Chakra.
We go behind the head again but outside of your physical body with the Causal Chakra where we meet our Soul contracts and revise them. Choose life with the best of your intentions.
Then it's time for the Navel Chakra, between the Solar Plexus and the Sacral: meeting our Cosmic Mother: the Goddess and refill our energy levels being fed by our subtle ombilical cord to the Source of Energy itself.
The Soul Star Chakra allows us a Council with our Highest Self and mentors.
The Stellar Gateway to connect with your parallel lives, with your incarnation's travel across consciousness.