The Aura
The entire body of work and energy healing sessions for each of the seven chakras, each of the seven transpersonal chakras (full day / week retreats) and specific energy tools and teachings like protection, energy cleanse and the magnifying of the layers of the aura:
all to help you build a radiant and vibrant healthy life in pair with your life force.
Included: Eight Chakra Healing Programs
- The Crown Chakra
- The Third Eye Chakra
- The Throat Chakra
- The Heart Chakra
- The Solar Plexus Chakra
- The Sacral Chakra
- The Root Chakra
- The Spleen Chakra
The Seven Transpersonal Chakras Activation Workshops:
- The Stellar Gateway Chakra
- The Soul Star Chakra
- The Causal Chakra
- The Zeal Chakra
- The Thymus Chakra
- The Navel Chakra
- The Earth Star Chakra
And the Full Circle Entire 16 Chakra Energy Cleanse!
(This offering was previously called Panta Rhei School).