
Apr 19, 20226 min

The Navel Chakra Workshop

Welcome to the Navel Chakra Workshop:

Every day, come back here for a new exploration of this energy point and how it relates to broader subjects of spiritual entanglements with the Divine and the social.

Here's a transcript going day by day:

1) Giving permission to the Cosmic Mother to take care of us, to surround and protect, to handle our suffering

Heart Chakra connection: our vulnerability, being life itself = opening to all experiences, to all people, and then more

Inner sovereignty unhook from other influences

2 ) Ombilical cord, the womb, first 9 months, get fed liquid

Energy cord exists here too, you feed and get fed on

We're going to see the exchange between us and others

and the world

We want to grab tools and find solutions

Shame and judgement are just here to feed on you too, let's bring awareness to it, notice it, and do better

We're going to use the navel to see it all, unhook, and heal.

They control us, like a puppet's strings.

We're becoming conscious, we're here on this planet, to help your soul, your self, and attain the blooming of your consciousness and help others.

Don't forget you're here for you, putting that oxygen mask on first, getting your fill of energy, through the navel.

Reincarnations, cycles, are you developing yourself in order to have a better lives next time?

It's about you, your desires, this is an important step to walk.

Parents, we didn't choose them. We weren't all lucky with them.

It might be difficult to trust, after them, it might be difficult for some of us to connect to the archetypes of mother, and even father.

But let's take it slowly, a page at a time.

There's healings with this chapter, please allow yourself, gift yourself the experience.

You're going to become your own parent, the trustworthy person who can handle all the shadows, inner children, versions of ourselves. Embodying your soul and caretake.

We all have solar & lunar energies.

Father / Mother.

In order for you to trust yourself, you'll have to embody both archetypes.

Anima / animus / the dots in the yin/yang

Those solar / lunar dichotomy

no matter how you identify,

we're going to aim for that balance, connecting with our heart

What is the intuition telling you about the situation you're dealing with right now?

Nurture. Take care.

"What do I need right now?"

As a post it.

Being nurturing towards yourself.

Open to yourself. Open up sensually, sexually.

Everything is sensual.

Grab a mirror, and connect with your eyes, with the depth of them, connect with your soul. Don't force a smile, don't control your features, relax, let the tension go, and just look.

3) Are you living or surviving?

Making the unconscious (shadow) conscious.

We've been challenging the mindsets, the society, the collective constructs. Can you do that with yourself?

Real desires are within, not especially only in the mind. That's why we keep consuming, and not feeling satisfied. Let's see our real desires, own them, without shame judgement.

It might not be super easy to see them for what they are.

We're constantly evolving, moving, but it's not only the goal, the thing, it's the process. Because we will always reach for wider. The universe is like that (gravitational waves, the big bang is still expanding the size of the world as we speak), same with your consciousness.

“It’s a culture of consumerism not faith." His Dark Materials - Mr Boreal

Simone Weil, that “absence is the form in which God is present,”

It's time to listen

Open yourself, to yourself, and close back up before you meet the crowd.

The Cosmic Mother:

Sometimes we learn from the expansion, and or the constriction

Sometimes the mother offers/ restricts

All that she does is ensure your development, your well-being, your growth

You are a daughter / son of the Cosmic Mother

You are giving birth

Standing boundaries, because people might attach to you, friends, not only lovers, family members, older people, needs access there for cleansing,

Any type of abuse is a way to put down people, and attach yourself and suck them dry


Consciously or unconsciously they come in and dry you up

How do we remove that? The Inner Sovereignty Meditation.

Nancy Levin Setting Boundaries

We usually close ourselves up naturally, if you crossed your arms, pull your legs up, the vampires are depicted as connecting with your neck, but it's really around solar plexus and navel that it happens.

You feel the world and nervous system + celiac nerve (solar plexus) react, and the chords are around the navel.

We're always exchanging, social beings, social animals, physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically.

Some of those exchanges are conscious, some are unconscious

If you notice you're tired around people, or after spending time with people, then something is going on. It doesn't mean they are "toxic" but that something is happening, so it's better to take stances to keep to yourself. Don't create a storyline where you're a victim, just take the actions (give examples).

Call your energy back, outloud,

"I call back, all my energy, cleansed, returned, to my being, Full legal name, your code access".

And then give back what you might have stored or what was put on you.

"I release energies from others, that didn't originate with my true DNA".

4) You might see you're on the end of feeding on others. Write it down, find the source, don't shame yourself, just give it attention, find what your need is, ask why, and do different. Get your energy from consenting parts of your life, not other people.

Energetically we are much more than 7 chakras.

Why do we do these things? Why do we need other people's energy?

What do you want?

Why would you wait for someone else to give you something you could already give to yourself?

Inner child connection: what do they want?

We are talking, I'm writing, you're reading, most of the interaction between us is mental, maybe a bit emotional. You might understand, unlock parts of yourself and that's amazing. But to understand with the head, is not the same as understanding deep down. Deep down in your heart, your belly.

"I feel it in my gut" is the most trust sensation. It's a guiding light.

I'd love for you to take a step further into truly getting that, breathing through, praying to the saints / mystic / God of your choice, and experiencing that connection from your truest self, maybe with vulnerability and intimacy and the Creator.

Go there, ask questions, receive answers, warm embraces, energy flushes. Stay with your real feelings, give them the chance to be felt.

You could read self-help books forever, and never really get what you need, because you need the experience.

It's not always easy to have the experience. We have resistance, the self sabotage, the fear of the unknown. Getting better is scary.

That's why you only need click to the 4th day and follow my voice.

5) Sexual energy

We've all been repressed, society, organized religions, milleniums of trauma, our own trauma:

How sexuality is viewed by the Divine, and channeling the Akashic Records:

The Navel Chakra is bringing us back to existing, to being, that's what sexuality is, everything is sensual, a celebration of our density, the physicality, the creation of the divine, we've all been created that way

When you open up, life turns you on.

Everything, the wind, fresh water, smells, you become a buzzing, vibrating being in resonance with the world, the conversation, truly connected (and that's scary for our controlling self), responding, and influencing the world around us.

Sex is a liberation, a pure conversation.

Being in that physical density, sex is a ritual of bodies merging, opening themselves to one another.

The more we do this, the more the navel, and sacral chakra are going to open, the dan tien : the elixir of life, the kundalini: opening portals to life, to the breath of life.

Ready to meeting life, biting life, everything becomes bliss.

Orgasms from living as connected to all of Creation.

You start existing.

You don't have to survive, you don't have to "make it". You start to exist. You are here. Wherever you are.

Once you start to exist, you are your Soul Incarnated.

You are connected, receiving divinity, the elixir, become the Mother/Father, you're here, you exist, you are physically present.

Everything is temporary, Panta Rhei, everything is temporary.

You don't know how it's going to last.

When you are having sex, you're doing this out of desire, you want something.

Switching to what YOU want, desire. You've already been able to go after what you want w a partner for ie, so same with life. It's just a question of perspective.

When it concerns other people:

But the desires should end where it impacts the desires of others. Ask for consent.

Don't manifest people.

Once you open up to your sexual energy, you're going to have more bandwidth towards the "what do you want?" energy.

Mary Magdalene:

Showing you the Highest Self liberated

The owned self

6) The navel chakra is about your existence.

Persephone / 6 seeds / pomegranate, her desires, her shadows (not negative, not bad, just the hidden parts of us).

We already have our 6 seeds within.

A part of us is hidden. Let's go see it.

We are human, we are angelic, we are animals.

Open up vistas for you to see yourself.

Nothing about shame, bad, judgement, or even sex.

We're going to look within.

MM was an initiate of the Goddess Isis, a priestess. The snakes visualisation.

Magdalene: pillar of light.

Breathing technique, merging the snakes.

Ida pingala

Hara line

7) Becoming mothers and fathers; laying eggs / seeds of the life you're going to nurture, feed

Arcturus: cosmic midwives, the art of giving birth

Where you create

We spent the past days feeding you, teaching you how to nurture and ask the Mother to nurture you

Now it's time for you to be the supporter

To you, to future self, to your loved ones or community

Serving the world not saving.

The navel is about growing into the future being, the full liberated being, the one that is full, integral, super-powered, super psychic and ready to offer.