
Jan 8, 20221 min

Reiki School Day 17: Your Aura

Your aura is your ecosystem, your environment. I like to compare it to the Earth's atmosphere. While it's not tangible like matter you can touch, it is a living breathing part of the being, one that has weather, sun exposure, moon cycles.




Comparatively, beyond your aura is the external world, and that creates vibration that can be felt by your aura and your physical body (together, they make your being).


What is around you affects you.




Just think of very loud noise, you are disturbed by it, and need to put the volume down.


So today, I want to focus on your aura.




Just as who you are, what you do, affects the world around you. Today I would love for you to try different things, and see how it feels to you.

We are not settling on one, you could very much change it every time you sweep your aura, and get the results that are good for you in the moment.




