
Aug 28, 20191 min


Today, we take you to other people’s platforms. Their message is a beautiful one of growth and self discovery.

I’ve been interviewed in two different podcasts and if you want to listen to them:

Dheandra Nicolette’s Manifest Daily

I was interviewed for the first time. Dheandra Nicolette of the Manifest Daily podcast is a fire starter. Her energy is motivating and soul-centering.

We talked about my work, how I embraced my multidimensional work, and the many disciplines it takes to give it shape:



Apple Podcasts

Lydia Keeney’s Find your Happy

This is a place much like Eyes Closed that talks about energy medecine.

You can find my own interview of Lydia’s work on this episode of Eyes Closed where this beautiful healer shares how she facilitate her client to unleash their full potential.

Our episode together on Find your Happy is called Healing through Connection, because that’s my word of 2019, very much since Brazil, and the first Full moon of the year I’ve recognized just how much I crave connection. Since then I’ve created many paths for this to be a part of my life, everyday.



Apple Podcasts