
Apr 2, 20193 min

How I learned Reiki was calling for me

Updated: Apr 11, 2021

I am a Master Practitioner in Usui Reiki. Which means I am attuned to heal and work with the Reiki energy through time and space.

« In Japanese, the character Rei stands for mystery, gift, holy, and nature spirit, or invisible spirit; Ki means Life-Force energy. Rei-ki has been defined as “Guided Life-Force Energy,” or healing energy that has wisdom, guided by Spirit. It is universal. »

A Reiki healing is the deliberate and competent manipulation of the energies that make the world.

Every being is made of five different bodies: the physical, the emotional, the mental, the spiritual and the etheric: they all register and translate the life that happens around and inside you.

Some of the signs of unaligned energy fields are recurring illnesses, emotional imbalances, physical pains, fatigue, mental strain & so on...

Reiki soothes as it clears your energy field and accelerate your healing.

As we work with the Universal Life Force Energy, I composing with the Usui Reiki symbols and we deliver healing currents.

Three years ago, it just happened.

It was a slow weekend morning and the sun came directly on my face while I woke up. The very sweet moment of simplicity before you take your phone out and scroll down instagram.

It was the first time I felt and saw energy coming out of my body, by sheer exercise of allowing it to come out - silently. I felt love and wonder. I saw micro currents of thunder dancing around my palm.

I felt them stirring the blood in my hands. Together, they created tornados circling the center of my palms. They havent stopped in all these years, swirling, begging for my attention.

I learned pranic healing, but I couldn’t get a grasp on boundaries and was unable to stay in public spaces without being overwhelmed. Once I had healed the other person, their pain stayed inside of me. I couldnt clean it off of myself.

So I stayed away. I didnt take the risk.

But it kept calling.

Indeed, it kept on. And so, last summer I spent weeks going through learning the levels of learning Reiki I, II and Master.

The months of july and august were paved with every single stray dog and street cat of Istanbul bumping into my legs and asking me to heal them.

They sensed I was ready, and helped my confidence to build.

It became funny, birds, cats, dogs, all surrendering in front of me while i walked, had coffee with friends or waited for the bus.


Now everything is evolving, blooming. The world of paper, research and my freelance work as a photographer is dimming down. Slowly, I spend more time closing my eyes and working with my other senses. It’s funny how my entire career was based on visually capturing the real world with my camera, and now it implies closing my very eyes to start sensing the unseen.

Once everything becomes dark, the entire world becomes clearer to me. The mass of stimulation calms down and the magnetic field is detectable.

This dimension is composed of emotional weather and physical pains, blocks of mental stress and they all make algorithms that always lead to the subconscious.

When I’m working with strangers, or people in other countries, the field is even clearer: I receive the download, in an instant. My body copycats the client’s and my organs or muscles twitches. I feel the rock in your boot. And I can remove it.

It all starts from the surface, and together we dig.

With the growing number of people I served, my belief that some of our ills are psycho-somatic is confirmed: our bodies are talking to us - about our beliefs, memories, influences - our submerged pains that need resolving.

Let’s translate this language together, with compassion in a safe space.

A session with me includes a chat, or a call - you choose. We then conduct inner work together - a little strategy, a minute of introspective clarity.

Then we set a date for a Reiki clearing where the only thing you need to do is drink water and lie down, wherever you are, while I perform healing for you.

All I need to work on your own energy field and rebalance you wherever you are is your permission, your birth name.

(Note: No one can send you reiki or any type of energy without your conscious permission. Don’t worry.)

We heal with Reiki, soothe with presence - and ultimately, start living a life closer to your truth, to your heart.

We start being resonant, our truth shining across the magnetic field.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Schedule your appointment, and let’s start healing together.

Please note that a reiki healing is an alternative treatment for medical issues, it is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice.

All my love,


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